lab of tomorrow #14: Towards a Circular Food System in Rwanda

A Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration

The lab of tomorrow (lot) is an open innovation process involving multiple stakeholders to develop entrepreneurial solutions to global challenges and thus also an incubator for impact-oriented business activities and cross-sector partnerships. By bringing together people with diverse backgrounds and expertise and jointly developing new solutions to the grand challenges of our time, lot holds enormous potential for positive social change. The goal of the project is to promote the co-creation of social innovations that contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and systemic change.

The lot format was developed by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and has proven its worth with eleven completed processes and over 50 business model outlines created, many of which have been implemented.

lab of tomorrow #14 Promoting the circular economy in Rwanda

With lab of tomorrow #14, CSI-HSG in collaboration with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) co-initiated the first edition of the lot for the Swiss development context.  The lot 14 addresses the challenges related to the food system in Rwanda. Based on in-depth research and needs assessments, people from different sectors and backgrounds collaborated to develop innovative solutions through an innovation sprint based on design thinking. During the incubation phase, the teams received coaching to further develop their solutions so that they could eventually be implemented and have an impact. CSI-HSG is implementing the project in collaboration with several partners, including SDC, GIZ, Nestlé, Impact Hub Kigali and reverse.
